Stock Market Analysis

5 minute read

Stock Market Analysis:

In this portfolio project we will be looking at data from the stock market, particularly some technology stocks. We will use pandas to get stock information, visualize different aspects of it, and finally we will look at a few ways of analyzing the risk of a stock, based on its previous performance history. We will also be predicting future stock prices through a Monte Carlo method!

We’ll be answering the following questions along the way:

  • What was the change in price of the stock over time?
  • What was the daily return of the stock on average?
  • What was the moving average of the various stocks?
  • What was the correlation between different stocks’ closing prices?
  • What was the correlation between different stocks’ daily returns?
  • How much value do we put at risk by investing in a particular stock?
  • How can we attempt to predict future stock behavior?

Let’s creat a list and call it tech_list

tech_list = ["AAPL","GOOG","MSFT","AMZN","TSLA"]
end =
start = datetime(end.year-1,end.month,
for stock in tech_list:
High Low Open Close Volume Adj Close
2019-10-01 49.189999 47.826000 48.299999 48.938000 30813000.0 48.938000
2019-10-02 48.930000 47.886002 48.658001 48.625999 28157000.0 48.625999
2019-10-03 46.896000 44.855999 46.372002 46.605999 75422500.0 46.605999
2019-10-04 46.956001 45.613998 46.321999 46.285999 39975000.0 46.285999
2019-10-07 47.712002 45.709999 45.959999 47.543999 40321000.0 47.543999
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-09-25 408.730011 391.299988 393.470001 407.339996 67208500.0 407.339996
2020-09-28 428.079987 415.549988 424.619995 421.200012 49719600.0 421.200012
2020-09-29 428.500000 411.600006 416.000000 419.070007 50219300.0 419.070007
2020-09-30 433.929993 420.470001 421.320007 429.010010 48145600.0 429.010010
2020-10-01 448.880005 434.420013 440.760010 448.160004 50413600.0 448.160004

254 rows × 6 columns

TSLA["Adj Close"].plot(legend=True, figsize=(10,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced31a6888>

linearly separable data

AAPL["Adj Close"].plot(legend=True, figsize=(10,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced3168c08>

linearly separable data

MSFT["Adj Close"].plot(legend=True, figsize=(10,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced30c4748>

linearly separable data

GOOG["Adj Close"].plot(legend=True, figsize=(10,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced300d988>

linearly separable data

AMZN["Adj Close"].plot(legend=True, figsize=(10,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced32efe48>

linearly separable data

TSLA["Volume"].plot(legend=True, figsize=(10,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced3388948>

linearly separable data

ma_day =[10,20,50]
for ma in ma_day:
    column_name = "MA for %s days" %(str(ma))
    AAPL[column_name]=AAPL["Adj Close"].rolling(ma).mean()
AAPL[["Adj Close","MA for 10 days","MA for 20 days","MA for 50 days"]].plot(subplots=False,figsize=(10,4))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced3647f08>

linearly separable data

Section 2 - Daily Return Analysis

We’re now going to analyze the risk of the stock. In order to do so we’ll need to take a closer look at the daily changes of the stock, and not just its absolute value. Let’s go ahead and use pandas to retrieve teh daily returns for the Apple stock.

AAPL["Daily Return"] = AAPL["Adj Close"].pct_change()
AAPL["Daily Return"].plot(figsize=(10,4),legend=True,linestyle="--",marker="o")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced397ebc8>

linearly separable data

sns.distplot(AAPL['Daily Return'].dropna(),bins=100,color='purple')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ced39f01c8>

linearly separable data

Now what if we wanted to analyze the returns of all the stocks in our list? Let’s go ahead and build a DataFrame with all the [‘Close’] columns for each of the stocks dataframes.

closing_df=pdr.DataReader(tech_list,"yahoo",start,end)["Adj Close"]
2019-10-01 55.595886 1205.099976 135.527100 1735.650024 48.938000
2019-10-02 54.202213 1176.630005 133.134323 1713.229980 48.625999
2019-10-03 54.662643 1187.829956 134.745972 1724.420044 46.605999
2019-10-04 56.194942 1209.000000 136.565262 1739.650024 46.285999
2019-10-07 56.207317 1207.680054 135.576523 1732.660034 47.543999
... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-09-25 112.279999 1444.959961 207.820007 3095.129883 407.339996
2020-09-28 114.959999 1464.520020 209.440002 3174.050049 421.200012
2020-09-29 114.089996 1469.329956 207.259995 3144.879883 419.070007
2020-09-30 115.809998 1469.599976 210.330002 3148.729980 429.010010
2020-10-01 116.790001 1490.089966 212.460007 3221.260010 448.160004

254 rows × 5 columns

Now that we have all the closing prices, let’s go ahead and get the daily return for all the stocks, like we did for the Apple stock.

2019-10-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2019-10-02 -0.025068 -0.023625 -0.017655 -0.012917 -0.006375
2019-10-03 0.008495 0.009519 0.012105 0.006532 -0.041542
2019-10-04 0.028032 0.017822 0.013502 0.008832 -0.006866
2019-10-07 0.000220 -0.001092 -0.007240 -0.004018 0.027179
... ... ... ... ... ...
2020-09-25 0.037516 0.011671 0.022787 0.024949 0.050414
2020-09-28 0.023869 0.013537 0.007795 0.025498 0.034026
2020-09-29 -0.007568 0.003284 -0.010409 -0.009190 -0.005057
2020-09-30 0.015076 0.000184 0.014812 0.001224 0.023719
2020-10-01 0.008462 0.013943 0.010127 0.023035 0.044638

254 rows × 5 columns

sns.jointplot("GOOG","GOOG",tech_rets, kind="scatter",color="seagreen")
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x1ced4cf8448>

linearly separable data

sns.jointplot("GOOG","TSLA",tech_rets, kind="scatter",color="seagreen")
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x1ced5083d48>

linearly separable data

<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x1ced5e57a88>

linearly separable data

Above we can see all the relationships on daily returns between all the stocks. A quick glance shows an interesting correlation between Google and Amazon daily returns. It might be interesting to investigate that individual comaprison. While the simplicity of just calling sns.pairplot() is fantastic we can also use sns.PairGrid() for full control of the figure, including what kind of plots go in the diagonal, the upper triangle, and the lower triangle.

Section 3 - Risk Analysis

There are many ways we can quantify risk, one of the most basic ways using the information we’ve gathered on daily percentage returns is by comparing the expected return with the standard deviation of the daily returns.

#Let's start by defining a new DataFrame as a clenaed version of the oriignal tech_rets DataFrame
rets = tech_rets.dropna()

area = np.pi*20

plt.scatter(rets.mean(), rets.std(),alpha = 0.5,s =area)

#Set the x and y limits of the plot (optional, remove this if you don't see anything in your plot)

#Set the plot axis titles
plt.xlabel('Expected returns')

#Label the scatter plots
for label, x, y in zip(rets.columns, rets.mean(), rets.std()):
        xy = (x, y), xytext = (50, 50),
        textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
        arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '-', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=-0.3'))

linearly separable data

Value at Risk

Let’s go ahead and define a value at risk parameter for our stocks. We can treat value at risk as the amount of money we could expect to lose (aka putting at risk) for a given confidence interval. Theres several methods we can use for estimating a value at risk. Let’s go ahead and see some of them in action.

Value at risk using the “bootstrap” method

For this method we will calculate the empirical quantiles from a histogram of daily returns. For more information on quantiles, check out this link:

# Note the use of dropna() here, otherwise the NaN values can't be read by seaborn
sns.distplot(AAPL['Daily Return'].dropna(),bins=100,color='purple')

linearly separable data

Now we can use quantile to get the risk value for the stock.

# The 0.05 empirical quantile of daily returns


The 0.05 empirical quantile of daily returns is at -0.033. That means that with 95% confidence, our worst daily loss will not exceed 3%. If we have a 1 million dollar investment, our one-day 5% VaR is 0.03 * 1,000,000 = $30,000.